Starting 2018 Off with Intent

This past year was the first time I actually used my planner from front to back. I have one monthly/weekly agenda that I keep with me at work that houses a full calendar of projects and my weekly tasks in the office. It's been one of the best things for my organization and calculating successes in the workplace.

If there is one thing to know about me, it's like I like my things as they are... and organized. Sometimes I call it an "organized mess" but regardless, everything has a tidy place and a space in my planner. Using my lot or pan? You better clean that sucker. Is that my coffee mug... I hope that's coffee in there! Borrowing my pen? Don't you dare put that in your mouth! Maybe I'm slightly OCD... but like I said, I like my things as they are :) Maybe I need to let go a little?

My most popular post from 2017 was "Why I'm Not Making Any New Year Resolutions." I think you all loved it because a) you could totally relate and b) you loved that gem of a black leather back pack (updated options linked in the post!). This year, I'm sticking to my guns. However, instead of not making resolutions, I will be setting some intentions. While I'd like to share them with you, I'm only going to share a few, as sometimes you don't need to tell the world everything, and I'd like to keep a few personal ones off the World Wide Web. It's actually funny because I signed up for the Tone It Up 5 Day Detox plan not knowing they challenge us to set intentions as well!

If you've taken a yoga class you might have been asked to "set your intention" for the class. It's a way to dedicate the practice and to translate it off the mat and into daily life. I'm following that outline as I work to create more clarity and fuel any goals or visions for the new year. Something more special about intentions vs. resolutions is that they are not meant to be forced, should be positive and to be created on a short term level. 

In the five day outline from Tone It Up, they bring up a variety of points to consider when setting intentions like reflecting on the past goals, accomplishments, struggles and joys of 2017, meditating on what you'd like to achieve in the future, feeling grateful for meaningful moments, and last, writing those clear and concise mantras or ideas... aka your intentions.

With all of that said, I'd like to share a few of my intentions for the new year for you to get an idea when building your own!

In 2018 I intend to...
  1. Be open to change
  2. Reflect on three points of gratitude at the end of each day
  3. Lead by example in the work place
  4. Encourage more exploration/travel
  5. Support friends with love and support near and far
I'm still working on these, but I find the positive mentality of creating intentions much more realistic for me and my head space. What about you? Will you be setting any intentions, resolutions or goals this year? I'd love to hear how you're conquering a fresh start!


Image found here.


  1. I live and die by my work calendar but just can't seem to figure it out for my personal life! ha, I love this post and your intentions for 2018! This is a great idea and I'm sure you will be on your way to mastering these this year!

    xo, Sarah

  2. LOVE!!! I have similar intentions set for this year!
