Mornings to My Selfie

I’m sharing MiO in my life as part of a sponsored series for Socialstars™

Between trying to keep up with work, activities, events, friends and the blog... things can get overwhelming to say the least. Lately, I've been trying to give myself one morning a week to have a "morning to my selfie." The ultimate goal? To spend that time at the gym, reading a book or enjoying the outdoors a.k.a not on any electronics or staring at any screens for at least three times a week! Some days life doesn't follow the typical 9-5 hours I hope and dream of, ya know?

When that happens, I tend to just go with the flow - even if that means double fisting an iced latte and my fancy water bottle with a squeeze of MiO Vitamins Water Enhancer. The extra dose of B Vitamins in MiO Energy, MiO Vitamins and MiO Electrolytes is an added benefit! Really, there's no time like the present to try and get back on track to conquer that to-do list... right? Even if that means using a tasty water enhancer to help get me there. I'd like to think that there is a secret sauce to balancing it all, but I'm not sure that it's ever going to be possible to achieve that perfect "balance."

So, my new way of trying to do so includes starting my day with a little extra time to myself. That might mean waking up an hour earlier or waiting to watch that weekly TV show until another time, but I'm figuring out that that might just be what I need to get things more "balanced." I find that I work best earlier in the morning and enjoy the peacefulness that comes then, too.

Just this weekend while my roommates were still snoozing away, I decided to get up and walk down the block to our local coffee shop. I brought my book along, order a yummy croissant breakfast sandwich and an iced coffee to enjoy outside. I loved seeing all the small families come and go, people walking their dogs and just having that sense of "do nothing," for an hour. I even ended up staying longer than expected until heading to meet Maya for a little photo shoot. I give thanks to the MiO Motivation, that's basically my newest sidekick 😉

Friends, don't sweat the small stuff!

Take life one day at a time and remember that not everyone has it figured out even if it's what you see on the gram. It's more important to enjoy your own happiness (even if that's a spritz of MiO in your water) and take those extra few minutes to keep on keeping on.

Shop My Look: Top | Jeans | Bag | Sandals | Water Bottle | MiO


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