Why I'm Not Making New Year's Resolutions

Do you want me to be honest or to be really honest? If you asked me how much I've been working out the past few weeks (even months) I'd probably lie to you and say something like "oh, some yoga and pilates here and there," when in total reality, I've done a whole lot of nothing. Ok, so maybe I've done one pilates class, a SoulCycle class and a 5K in the last two months... but that's about it.

Confession: I'm scared of the dark and the fact that it gets dark out so early during the winter months does not help my motivation to go do a little cardio after work. When I'm in the moment and at SoulCycle, I always think about how the class is so great and I should totally do a blog post about why I love it. Yet, for some reason I can't get my booty back week in and week out. I know, I know... excuses, excuses. I could go on and on about all the other things that are "in my way" of a work out like the fact that it's absolutely freezing out, I work long days and sometimes that carries over to long nights, the holiday season was spent with family, it costs too much... - all very valid reasons in my book!

But, now I'm looking to you to give me a little push to help me get out of this rut! I want to feel healthier, have a bangin bod and get stronger, but I'm struggling with how to literally get moving. I told myself I was going to do Whole 30 in the new year, but after really thinking about it I decided not to. If you know me, you know I love my sweets. 

However, late summer/early fall I started having awful stomach pains and could not figure out what the heck was causing it. I'm talking curling over my side, can't-stand-up-pain that would last until I slept it off. After a few blood tests, turns out the doc thought it was gallbladder stones. OUCH! During that same time I cut out dairy, meat and sugar for a week and basically went with fruits and vegetables to try and figure out if I had an intolerance. Long story short.... I felt slightly better (considering the circumstances) during that time because of that healthy foods I was eating.

What I'm saying is, I originally thought Whole 30 was a good idea because I heard about so many people doing it and everyone was looking to lose weight. You know what? I'm not trying to lose weight. I want to feel healthier, more energetic and build up the muscle that I used to have. By restricting myself from certain foods like the occasional sweet treat and a slice of bread... that will only make me want to eat those items more! So, I'm not doing Whole 30 and instead, I'm still working on how I can make a wellness plan for the new year that includes lots of body love and more me time to do things like SoulCycle and runs to the lake front every week :)

I know we've all been blasted with so many resolution posts, but that's just not me. I've never been one to work that way. Like I mentioned above, I'm not doing Whole 30 anymore. Not because of the whole weight loss thing, but genuinely because I know that isn't the type of program that makes me feel like "me." Being surrounded by the blogging world, I see all of these posts - some are really amazing and I solute everyone who sets their mind to their awesome goals! - but there is a point where it gets to be too much and starts to just be a "because she's doing it" type approach instead of actually considering the "why." Does that make sense? My tip to you when considering your goals or resolutions for the new year is to really think about "why" you are doing it and how you plan to achieve it. While I might not be making any "resolutions" I will certainly be setting more intentions on ways to improve my lifestyle in the new year, similar to how my friend Maya is focusing on choosing a word for 2017.

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Backpack (sold out, similar options below)

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Anyway, I'd love your help with sharing ways you love to work out, especially during the winter. I've got my gear, but now I need to put it to use! I love SoulCycle, short distance running (up to 5 miles), pilates and the occasional yoga class. A few weeks ago, I went to a Tourch class (45 min mix of treadmill, floor work and rowing) with my friend Jess at Studio Three and loved it! Really hoping to make it back soon, but ya'll it's expensive too. If you have suggestions based on my interests... send them my way!

Cheers to a new year and feeling better than ever!



  1. Sitting at Studio Three now :) Can't wait for our next class together! My apartment building offers some free classes (yoga and bootcamp). I'll check the schedule this month to see what times they have available and maybe we can hit a few of those up!

  2. I love Studio Three! I used to be a member, but just quit for CorePower because I needed more flexibility in terms of times and locations. Lululemon offers free (mostly yoga) classes at their LP and Southport locations (not sure about Gold Coast), and I used to frequent those quite a bit! Let me know if you ever want to check out a CorePower class; I always love to have a buddy!

  3. Good for you girlfriend! I feel you on the resolutions as well - I'm just trying to eat better than before, work out more, and simplify my life as much as I can. We'll see how it goes ;) xx
