My Office Essentials

As many of you might know, I recently moved and have been slowly but surely setting up my bedroom. That includes trying to find the perfect duvet cover and pillows for my bed to stylizing my bookshelf to finally, finally finding a desk (thanks Ikea!). With that means I have to splurge on a few essentials, am I right? You can't get down to work without creating a fun and inviting environment. Adding little touches here and there in my room has actually been an exciting task. It makes me happy to sit down and work on blog posts and...dare I say it... even helps me finish up some work from the office!

While a fun desk can't cure all my woes, it has helped keep my blog organized and kicking. Below, I'm sharing some of my favorite essentials at the moment. Many are found both at my office desk and home desk. Desk accessories are better when bought in pairs :)

To view/purchase an item, simply hover over and click on your office essential of choice or view the slider at the bottom with the same links. Happy decorating!

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PS Don't forget to follow me on Pinterest for more cute photos like the top one!


  1. This is so cute Katie!! You are good at creating these graphics! :)

    xo, Sarah

  2. Love all of these! I've been trying to control myself with the succulents at Target! Love those.

    xo, Shelby
