A Cozy Thanksgiving

Even though the look I'm about to share is what I wore for Thanksgiving this year, it's more than perfect for your other holiday dinners coming up. Want to know why? Well, besides being totally comfy and festive look with maroon tights, my sweater trick is one for the books. While all your guests are loading up on the turkey and potatoes in their tight little dresses... you'll be doing the same, but toss on a cute sweater like the one above and there is no such thing as a food baby! :)

I originally picked out these pieces because I'm one for dressing with the season. Warm colors like my maroon tights paired brown booties and cream dress were perfect for the occasion. The over sized sweater (the LBB Holiday Hack #1!) has you set for the night to celebrate holiday cheer with your family and friends.

Shop My Look: Dress | Sweater (similar & similar) | Tights | Booties (similar) | Bracelet

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Photos by Megan at Sparkles & Sprinkles


  1. Love this Katie! Such a pretty color palette!

  2. Ah you look absolutely fantastic in that dress Katie! I love it paired with the jewel tone tights too!

    Hope you had a fabulous Thanksgiving -- coffee date soon?

    Ashley || Sed Bona
